2006 International Congress of Psychotherapy in Japan and
The Third International Conference of the Asian Federation for Psychotherapy
August 28- September 1, 2006 : Keio Plaza Hotel in Tokyo
第7回学術大会 プログラム
Conference Brochure of 7th Annual Meeting
Japanese Association for Transpersonal Psychology/ Psychiatry
August 31, 2006
Keio Plaza Hotel in Sinjuku, Tokyo
京王プラザホテル 西新宿
本館43 階 ムーンライト/スターライト
日本トランスパーソナル心理学/精神医学会第7回学術大会 : 8月31日(木) 京王プラザホテル
□受付: 9:00~ 全体受付(国際会議の受付)にて各自行ってください。
□午前の部 (会場:ムーンライト 本館43階)
大会会長挨拶 Opening Remarks by Congress President
【特別講演 Special Lecture】
Spirituality in Mental Health: The Contributions of Transpersonal Psychology
デヴィッド・ルーコフ David Lukoff
米国トランスパーソナル心理学会会長・セイブルック大学院大学 心理学教授
President of Association for Transpersonal Psychology/Professor of Saybrook Graduate School and Research
11:45AM~ 理事会(会場:スバル 本館43階)
□午後の部(会場:ムーンライト 本館43階)
1:20PM~1:40PM 総会
【特別シンポジウム Special Symposium】
Spirituality and Psychotherapy: the role of Japan and Japanese Psychotherapy in the modern world
[シンポジスト Panelists]
村川治彦 立命館大学 Haruhiko, Murakawa Ritsumeikan University
石川勇一 相模女子大学 Yuichi Ishikawa, Sagami Women's University
ポール・レジー 関西外大 Reggie Pawle, Kansai Gaidai University
安藤治 花園大学 Osamu Ando,.Hanazono University
[指定討論者 Discussants]
島薗進 東京大学 Susumu Shimazono, Tokyo University
デヴィッド・ルーコフ セイブロック大学院 David Lukoff, Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center
□研究発表 ポスターセッション(会場:スターライト 本館43階)
5:30PM~ ポスターセッション開催と同時にワインパーティとなります。
【特別講演 Special Lecture】 (会場:ムーンライト 本館43階)
Spirituality in Mental Health: The Contributions of Transpersonal Psychology
デヴィッド・ルーコフ David Lukoff
米国トランスパーソナル心理学会会長・セイブロック大学院 心理学教授
President of Association for Transpersonal Psychology/Professor of Saybrook Graduate School and Research
I. Role of spirituality in traditional Freudian, behavioral and cognitive psychologies
II. Transpersonal psychology introduces spirituality as a clinical focus.
III. Three examples where I have used transpersonal psychological approaches with patients while
working at Camarillo State Hospital, UCLA Clinic for schizophrenic patients, the San Francisco Veterans
Medical Center Day Treatment Center and the Outpatient Clinic, and private practice.
Holistic Health Program
I developed and ran a 12 week program for schizophrenic patients including meditation, exercise, and
artistic self-exploration
Finding Your Higher Power
I led groups for patients with substance abuse problems and with chronic pain and chronic illness
I led groups that included meditation, visualization, and spirituality
In many groups with patients and students I frequently use 1 minute silence, meditations, visualizations
and Thich Nhat Hahn walking meditations
【特別シンポジウム Special Symposium】 (会場:ムーンライト 本館43階)
Spirituality and Psychotherapy: the role of Japan and Japanese Psychotherapy in the modern world
日本トランスパーソナル心理学/精神医学会は、1998 年に創設され、以来、年1 回の学術大会および学会誌の刊行などを含み、活動が続けられてきた。今回のシンポジウムのテーマ「霊性(スピリチュアリティ)」に関する心理学的研究については、発足時より設立趣旨に盛り込まれ、学会活動が行われてきた。学会は本年8年目を迎えており、このたびの国際学会との同時開催を機会に、改めてこれまでの活動を振り返りつつ、「スピリチュアリティ」を主題に据えた議論を行ってみたい。
Psychotherapy and Spirituality: The role of Japan and Japanese Psychotherapy in the modern world.
Japanese Association for Transpersonal Psychology/Psychiatry was founded in 1998 and has been active in promoting the transpersonal psychology in Japan, through organizing annual conference and publishing
academic journal. Since the beginning of our activities, the psychological study of spirituality has been one of the most important themes. Taking this opportunity to be a part of the International Congress on Psychotherapy in Japan, we would like to focus on this theme of spirituality, with reflecting on our research endeavor for these eight years. For this purpose, in our symposium, we will first review the history of transpersonal psychology in Japan including its introduction to Japan and stablishment of an academic association. Then we will focus on the themes of Japanese Spirituality, through three presentations by a Japanese researcher who had stayed in the United States for fifteen years, an American researcher who practices Zen and has stayed in Japan for his research, and a Japanese researcher who is doing psychotherapy in Japan. These presentations will be followed by the discussion with one of the most respected scholars of religion in Japan and the president of
Association for Transpersonal Psychology in the United States.
[シンポジスト Panelists]
□安藤治 花園大学 Osamu Ando.Hanazono University
□村川治彦 立命館大学 Haruhiko, Murakawa Ritsumeikan University
□石川勇一 相模女子大学 Yuichi Ishikawa, Sagami Women's University
While spirituality is often discussed as abstract concept, originally it is directly and actually experienced one. In the practice of psychotherapy, spirituality is `leitmotiv` that leads client and therapist to the adequate process. Embedded spiritual wisdom characterize Japanese traditional psychotherapy. Revealing that point, I'd like to seek to the intimate relationship between psychotherapy and spirituality.
□ポール・レジー 関西外大 Reggie Pawle, Kansai Gaidai University
研究発表演題 ポスターセッション(会場: スターライト 本館43階)
Spirituality tendencies of high school students and Awareness after Safe Dating Class
井端 美奈子 Minako Ibata
大阪府立看護大学 Osaka Prefecture University, School of Nursing
【研究の背景と目的】高校3年生の性交経験率が50%に近づき、10 代人工妊娠中絶件数や性感染症罹患率が上昇し続けている。若者へ人工妊娠中絶手術や性感染症の怖さだけを強調しても、事態の解決にはならない。高校からの要請で出張性教育授業に出かけ、生徒たちの派手な外見や乱れた言葉遣いの裏で、真剣に自分探しをし、ともに成長していける親友やパートナーを捜し求めている姿を目にしてきた。性教育授業前に生徒達のレディネスとスピリチュアリティ傾向を知り、授業内容を検討することを目的に質問紙調査をし、授業後に感想文を回収し、授業評価をおこなった。
【研究方法】大阪府立A高校1 年生にスピリチュアリティ傾向尺度(中村、1998)を含めた無記名自記式質問紙調査を2005 年7 月に実施した。授業は2006 年1 月と2 月に実施し、授業後に感想文を回収した。
【結果および考察】アンケートの回収率は100%(228 件)であった。「自分を愛するほどに他人を愛することができる」に対して「ややそう思う・そう思う」と答えたものは43%、「相手が喜び、幸せそうにしているのをみると、自分のことのように嬉しくなる」は72%、「自分の喜びや苦しみを多くの人々と一緒に分かち合いたいと思う」は46%であり、多くの者が他者との関係性について純粋で真剣な態度を持っていることがわかった。グループワーク後の気づきには、〈人それぞれ〉にいろんな意見があることに気づいた驚き、〈互いを尊重した関わり〉の難しさ、〈性への慎重な態度〉について書かれていた。【今後の課題】性や恋愛のすばらしい面とデートのマナーを伝え、自分もパートナーも大切にしようという気持ちをはぐくむことがセクシュアリティ教育の重要課題である。効果的なデートバイオレンス予防教育によって、望まない妊娠や性感染症罹患を減少させることにつなげたい。
Purpose: At the request of a teacher at a local high school, we conducted a workshop program about Safe Dating
there several times a year. It has been reported that there is a connection between a feeling of spiritual
satisfaction and early sexual debut (Kessler, R 2000). Our purpose was to investigate the spiritual tendencies of
high school students before the workshop.Design: Quantitative study Methods: This study was conducted at a
public high school in Osaka, Japan, using anonymous questionnaires including the Spirituality Tendency Scale
(Nakamura,1998).Results:Responses were obtained from 228 students (100%). Those responding affirmatively
to the following statements numbered as follows: "I can love another person as much as I love myself”, 43%; "I
have thought that I want to do everything I can for a person, even if it means sacrificing myself”, 46%; "When
my partner feels pleased and looks happy, I experience that happiness as if it were my own”, 72%; "I want to
share my joys and pain with others”, 46%.Other response rates included: "I feel there is important meaning to my
being born in this world, 39%; "I feel I am making efforts every day to live to the fullest”, 32%; and "I am
satisfied with my life so far”, 40%.After Safe Dating Class they noticed that each student has a different ideas
about dating. It is important to communicate each other and respect the partner's feeling and opinion.
Body-Mind Integration from An Integral Somatic Phenomenological Perspective
久保 隆司 Takashi Kubo
ジョンF.ケネディ大学 ホリスティック研究大学院 カウンセリング心理学部
John F. Kennedy University, School of Holistic Studies, Department of Counseling Psychology
本研究では、人間意識の基本構造を徹底的に描き出した後期フッサール現象学とウイルバーのインテグラル理論を元に、近年発達の著しい脳生理医学の成果等を踏まえながら、様々な成長理論との比較検討を通して、トランスパーソナル心理学とソマティック(身体)心理学とを整理統合し、人間意識及び心身問題を探る。具体的な方法論としては、フッサールの発生現象学を縦軸、ウイルバーのAQAL モデルを横軸として、"この世”におけるボディ、マインド、スピリットの統合的な見方を検討する。また発表者のアメリカでのカウンセリング臨床例等も交えて、様々な心理療法的アプローチの有効性について考察する。
The presenter proposes an integral somatic phenomenological perspective to make human's everyday life, as
well as psychotherapy, richer and more solid in terms of transpersonal growth. That is, most human beings need
to mainly inquire into body-mind issues in order to grasp who they are and where they are in terms of the
development of the consciousness because human beings primarily exist at the "here and now” as embodied
beings in the somatic spectrum. Husserl's phenomenology, especially genetic and transcendental, gives basic
6 principles to understand the structures of the human consciousness and the world in 3 layers: passive synthesis,
active synthesis, and intersubjective/transcendental synthesis. On the other hand, Wilber's Integral theory gives
a convenient map to clearly overlook "everything” in the world in 4 quadrants based on his AQAL model. By
utilizing the 2 methodologies, the presenter comprehensively explores the body-mind relations in terms of
transpersonal psychology as well as different approaches for human body-mind development. The presenter
claims the integral perspective between somatic and transpersonal psychological approaches is essential to
realize the body-mind integration, which has 2 distinctive phases: the minotaur (descending) phase and the
centaur (ascending) phase. Also, the presenter will explore various psychotherapeutic approaches, and draw from
clinical experience in the U.S.
An attempt to enhance ikigai -A pilot study for the application of Iida's "ikigai-ron”
大石 和男 Kazuo Oishi 安川 通雄 Michio Yasukawa *1 濁川 孝志 Takashi Nigorikawa *2
*1専修大学 社会体育研究所
Senshu University, Health and Sports Sciences Institute
*2 立教大学 コミュニティ福祉学部
College of Community and Human Services Rikkyo University
本研究では、愛する身近な人の死や人生の試練に直面して絶望したり、生きる意味を喪失した人々を支援する試みの一つとして、飯田史彦の提唱する「生きがい論」を用いた取り組みを紹介する。飯田の「生きがい論」では、人生においては意味のない現象は生じず、挫折や不運のように感じられることもじつは順調そのものであるという人生観を提示する。その背景にある仮説は、死後生仮説、生まれ変わり仮説、ライフレッスン仮説、ソウルメイト仮説、因果関係仮説の5つである。被験者に対し、飯田の「生きがい論」を紹介する講義を約90 分間実施し、その講義の前後で生きがい感の変化を検討した。講義はあらかじめ作成されたレジュメを基に、3名の講師が別々に実施した。対象は大学生608 名(男性325 名、女性283 名)であった。生きがい感の指標としてCrumbaugh & Maholick (1969)によるPIL テストのPart-A 部分を用いた。死後の生や生まれ変わりなどの5つの仮説を信じる割合は、講義後すべての仮説において有意に上昇した(Wilcoxon signed rank test, p<0.001)。またPIL テストの合計点は、講義前で92.7±17.0 であったが、講義後に96.4±17.8 と有意に上昇した(p<0.001)。以上の結果は、飯田の「生きがい論」が生きがい感を高めるツールとして有効である可能性を示唆している。
The authors introduce our attempts to encourage people, who lost ikigai (the Japanese word for one's sense of purpose in life: Kumano, 2005) or meaning of life, by means of the "Ikigai-ron” expounded by Fumihiko Iida. Iida's "Ikigai-ron” is based on the five hypotheses concerning views on life and death, i.e., life after death hypothesis, reincarnation hypothesis, life lesson hypothesis, soul mate hypothesis, and the low of causality hypothesis. Three different professors gave subjects to the lecture on Iida's "Ikigai-ron”, which was held 90 minutes approximately. Then the degree of ikigai and views on life and death were compared between before and
after taking the lecture. Subjects were 608 students (325 males and 283 female) of three different colleges. The degree of ikigai was evaluated by means of the Purpose In Life test (PIL test) developed by Crumbaugh & Maholick (1969). We used the questionnaire in this test composed of 20 questions (Part-A). Additionally views on
life and death were assessed by the questionnaire composed of five questions. The mean of total points in the PIL test after taking the lecture showed larger value (males and females: 96.4±17.8) than that before taking the lecture (92.7±17.0, Wilcoxon signed rank test; p<0.001). The answers to the views on life and death questions changed to the direction of believing (p<0.001). It was suggested that Iida's "Ikigai-ron” was one of the useful methods to enhance ikigai.
Spirituality in healing that emerged through dialogues with First Nations elders and counselors
梅田 麻希 Maki Umeda
聖路加看護大学 看護学部 地域看護学
St. Luke's College of Nursing, Community Health Nursing
背景:実践や研究の結果、Spirituality がアルコールに依存する個人やコミュニティーの癒しを促すことが示されてきた。しかしながら、Spirituality という言葉が意味するものは多様であり、多くの人の共通理解を得ることが困難である。日本においては、宗教に対する不信感や信条の違いにより、癒しにおけるSpirituality の概念について広く議論していくことが難しいと考える。目的:人生のすべての様相の中心にSpirituality を据えているカナダ先住民(FirstNations)との対話を通して、Spirituality の概念を具体的に表現することを試みた。方法: 本人とコミュニティーのアルコール関連問題に関わってきたFirst Nations の長老やカウンセラー(4 人)に、Spirituality や癒しに関する自らの経験についてインタビューした。インタビューで語られた内容を現象学的手法により考察し、Spirituality の概念を誰もが経験しうる態度や行為として説明した。内容:研究に参加したFirst Nations は、Spirituality を以下の態度や行為の中に表現されると考えていた―謙虚さ、敬意、慈悲(Unconditional Love)、分かち合い、モラル、自己成長への葛藤。これらの考え方は、「すべてはSpirit を持つがゆえに、より大きな全体の中ではそれぞれが対等な部分であり、かけがえのない存在である」という北米先住民の世界観に基づいている。異なる文化間の中から浮かび上がったSpirituality の理解は、Spirituality 議論における意見の相違を乗り越えていくための示唆を含んでいる。
Background: Several researchers have concluded that spirituality can promote the healing process of individuals and communities that suffer from alcohol-related challenges. However, concepts of spirituality vary and are not necessarily shared among those who wish to promote healing of the self and others. In Japan, the
lack of agreed-upon concepts of spirituality partly stems from the skepticism of many against a religious connotation of the term, as well as differences in personal beliefs that formulate one's understanding of spirituality.Purpose: Through the dialogues with First Nations, Aboriginal peoples in Canada, who had dealt with their own and others' alcohol-related challenges, this study aimed at providing a concept of spirituality that many can relate to with their own healing experience.Methods: I conducted conversational interviews with four First Nations elders and counselors. In the interviews, the participants were asked to relate their experiences of spirituality, healing, and helping others who had alcohol-related challenges. The interview data were analyzed by a phenomenological method to convey a multicultural understanding of spirituality.Results: The participants described their spirituality as being expressed in the following attitudes: humbleness and humility, respect, unconditional love, sharing, morality, and personal growth. These components of spirituality are based on the First Nations philosophy that every entity has a spirit, which connects everyone as relatives in the larger whole. Being formulated multiculturally by First Nations participants and a Japanese author, this study tries to promote mutual understanding in place of conflicting ideas about spirituality.
The experience of subtle body in psychotherapy--The fluidity of eros(instinct)and shadow
堺女子短期大学 美容文化学科
The Sakai Women's Juniour College, The department of beauty livelihood culture
本論文では、クライアントとセラピストの間で相互交流される、イメージ身体としてのサトル・ボディ体験の意義について事例を通して考察する。近年、人格障害の事例が増加している。彼らの心と身体は分裂しており、「存在する」という感覚にも空虚や絶望を体験している。心理療法過程は、クライアントとセラピストとの関わりを通して、正体不明の苦悩と共に歩む過程である。みせかけの態度ではなく、想像力をもったセラピストのコミットメントを必要としている。こうした観点からも心理療法過程では身体感覚を伴ったイメージが重要な役割をもつと考える。第1 段階、治療初期の行動化は直接に表現される粗大なイメージ身体と考える。セラピストも不安などの原初体験に揺さぶられる。第2 段階、融合と分離の葛藤が生じる。クライアントは性イメージの魅惑に取りつかれ、自己喪失への脅えや怒りが生じる。また意識されていかなった影イメージが顕在化する。性と影イメージはサトル・ボディの一側面を表す。
セラピストも性と影に揺さぶられ、新しい次元での主体性を構築せざるをえない。これによって症状や行動化をサトルな視点で理解できるようになる。第3 段階、セラピストの主体的な苦悩がクライアントに現実に対する諦念、犠牲を受けとめる容器を準備する。この段階は繰り返され、治療関係を螺旋状に変化させる。クライアントは「存在する」ことに安心感を少しずつ持てるようになる。
The purpose of this paper is to consider the significance of"subtle body”,also known as the "imaginary body”
which a client and a therapist share through a case study.Cases of personality disorders have recently been
increasing in number.The minds of those clients become dissociated from their body so their sense of"being”is also
lost in void and despair.In the psychotherapy process,the suffering is experienced together with the relationship
of a client and a therapist.Hence,the therapist′s genuine commitment to imagination is essential.The "subtle
body”plays a crucial role in this process.First stage:clients′actions are most notably expressed,as the client
cannot express their feelings in words,thus expressing the gross body.Therapists are apt to move emotionally
with early stage anxiety.Second stage:the fusion-split dilemma is brought about.A client is possessed by eros
images,and bocomes angry or frightened,resulting in the loss of a sense of self.Shadow images which one is hardly
conscious of,become obvious.Images of eros and shadow are some of the experiences of the "subtle body”.A
therapist must establish independence by tackling the fluidity of eros and shadow.By this process,mental
symptons can be understood from the point of "subtle body”.In the third stage,therapist′s active suffering
prepares them to accept reality and stands as self-sacrifice for a client.These stages are repeated,as therapeutic
relationships transform spirally.A client feels at ease with the state of"being”.
Bergson, a Philosopher of Spirituality
林 貴啓 Hayashi Yoshihiro
立命館大学 文学部
Ritsumeikan University, College of Letters
本発表は、『物質と記憶』『創造的進化』などの著者として知られるフランスの哲学者H. ベルクソンを「スピリチュアリティの哲学者」として再解釈・再評価することを目的とする。スピリチュアリティの立場を打ち出すにあたって妨げとなることの一つは、その志向が現代社会で支配的な世界観、つまり近代主義―機械論的世界観、自然科学的実証主義―と衝突をきたすことである。これに対してベルクソンの創造的持続・生命の哲学は、こうした近代主義的世界観を乗り越える道を今なお示唆しうる。さらに分析的知性・言語とは別のしかたで創造的なリアリティに触れる「直観」という方途を提示した認識論は、決して反知性主義ではなく、既存の知の枠組みを打破し、より高次なリアリティを開示してゆくものであり、確かな方法論に裏打ちされている。また「閉じた/開かれた魂・社会」「静的/動的宗教」の質的な差異を打ち出す『道徳と宗教の二源泉』の議論は、現代のスピリチュアリティの問題系に対しても、有益な批判的・反省的視点を提供できる。またベルクソンの創造的生命の思想には環境倫理、スピリチュアル・エコロジーに関しても多大な示唆があり、こうした意味で今なお「現金価値」に満ちた思想を提供してくれるのである。
The aim of this paper is to reinterpret Bergson's philosophy in terms of our contemporary spirituality and
reevaluate him as a "philosopher of spirituality. " First, his philosophy of creative duration and life fruitful in
overcoming modern mechanistic worldview, which is still dominant in today's society and incompatible with
spiritual concern. Second, his epistemology based on intuition, elaborated through methodological reflection, is
suggestive of one articulate spiritual way of knowing, which complements the intellectual-analytic manner of
knowing. Third, his distinction between closed and open societies, between static and dynamic religions
introduces a critical and reflective dimension into studies concerning spirituality. Finally, his philosophy can
contribute to environmentalism, especially deep (or spiritual) ecology, from cosmological, epistemological, and
psychological viewpoints. Indeed, Bergson's philosophy abounds in "cash values” for today's world.
Spirituality in Nursing
尾﨑 雅子 masako ozaki
神戸常盤短期大学 看護学科
Kobe Tokiwa University, nursing
This study discussed about awareness and meanings of spirituality in nursing with my experience of nursing
that has swayed my emotionally. With modern times, a western view with science has become mainstream and
developed into the whole of society. Nursing is also without exception. Nursing has been theorized scientifically and has been established as a professional job. Inconsistent phenomenon has occurred in nursing field with
radical fluctuation in society as a highly-developed medical care and under population and aging. Nursing
consists of the interrelationship. Human is difficult to understand each other so its complicated aspect.
Consequently, a request for nursing is considered to aware of a nurse own spirituality. Awareness of a nurse
own spirituality is to become aware and understand "who I am”. However at ordinary times we can't be aware of
spirituality. So necessary a nurse pay attention to an ordinary life and feel alive. Consequently, a nurse
become to take care of another person and to think a great deal of a person as a unique being. A nurse need to be
aware of subconscious spirituality to nursing and should become an important factor for nursing.
Analysis of Narratives of two Shamans and two Persons with Singular Abilities: Discussing the Phenomenon
of Suicide and Healing of Families who have lost a Loved One to it
吉野 淳一 Junichi Yoshino
札幌医科大学 保健医療学部 看護学科
Sapporo Medical University, Department of Nursing, School of Health Sciences
The purpose of this study is to consider likelihood of healing of families who have lost a loved one to suicide.
Therefore, we try to discuss the phenomenon of suicide and healing of the surviving family members based on the
narrative of two shamans and two persons with singular abilities. At the same time, we considered whether those
two persons with singular abilities were shamans.Researcher made verbatim records of interviews of the four
subjects and examined the contents of the narratives. Then, we discuss how the shamans approach the
phenomenon of suicide and how the bereaved family can be healed.In conclusion, through checking the presence
of an altered state of consciousness and of religious configuration, we considered that the two persons with
singular abilities were shamans. In addition, there is no single solution for suffering of the surviving family
members after a suicide, but the likelihood that healing would result was suggested when a vision of the universe
obtained through a journey to the other world by shamans coincided with a story including a small wish made by
the bereaved family.
The process of Recovery from Spirituality of Disorder-Recovery from Spiritual Possession-
山田 妙韶 Myosyo Yamada
関西福祉科学大学大学院 臨床福祉学研究科
Kansai University of Welfare, Graduate Course
Spiritual possession can be classified into two categories—harmless and undesirable. Spiritual possession is harmless when the spirits in question have no adverse effect on daily life or even provide help, but undesirable if the spirits give rise to strange or abnormal effects. Characteristic features associated with these strange and abnormal effects include symptoms caused by psychiatric disorders, such as delusion and hallucination. Undesirable spiritual possession also causes the emergence of low level spirits. I named such phenomena Disorders Of Spirituality. Spiritual level means “life”, as in “that person’s life is beautiful” or “animal life”. Spiritual levels also form the foundation of human character. There are ten such levels altogether, the lowest of which is life that gives rise to traits including jealousy, hate, envy and conflict. The effects of Disorders Of Spirituality are not confined to day-to-day life; they also make it difficult for people to live in society in general. This study reports on the process of recovery from Disorders Of Spirituality from examination of various cases,
with reference to the concepts of spiritual possession, Disorders Of Spirituality and spiritual levels.
Psychotic states that may induce positive changes
吉村 哲明 Tetsuaki Yoshimura
花園大学 社会福祉学部 福祉心理学科
Hanazono University, Department of Welfare Psychology
従来より、一過性の精神病状態が、病者に望ましい変化をもたらしうることが知られていたが、トランスパーソナル心理学および精神医学の立場からは、Grof, S.らの「スピリチュアル・エマージェンシー」あるいはLukoff, D.の「精神病的特徴をもった神秘体験」といったカテゴリーが提唱され、望ましい変化を生み出す神秘的状態と精神病を区別する必要性が強調されてきた。今回著者は、神秘的体験を伴う一過性の精神病状態を経て、約10 年間にわたって続けられてきた息子への虐待行為が消失した一女性例を経験した。患者は急性期においては内的体験を言語化することができず、急性期後の回想によってスピリチュアル・エマージェンシーによく合致する経過をたどったことが明らかとなった。また、抗精神病薬の投与は「死と再生」のプロセスを阻害することなく、より安定したプロセスの完遂を可能にしたものと考えられた。本発表では、まず、症例の臨床経過を提示し、その上で望ましい変化をもたらしうる精神病状態をめぐる診断および治療上の問題点を明らかにする。次に、現段階では、「変性意識状態誘発性精神病」といった病初期の特徴に着目した臨床単位を用意し、あらゆる転帰に備える目をもつことが有益と考えられることを示す。
It has been known that transient psychotic states can induce positive changes in patients. In transpersonal
psychology and psychiatry, Grof, S. et al. proposed the category "spiritual emergency” while Lukoff, D. proposed
the category "mystical experiences with psychotic features”, showing the necessity for the differentiation between
mystic states inducing positive changes and psychosis. I encountered a female who continued abusive behavior
toward her son for about 10 years but stopped it after a transient psychotic state accompanied by mystic
experiences. She could not verbalize her internal experiences in the early stage, but her recollection thereafter
revealed a course consistent with spiritual emergency. I speculated that antipsychotic administration did not
inhibit the "death and rebirth process”, and allowed the completion of a more stable process. In this report, the
clinical course of this patient is presented, and the diagnostic and therapeutic problems in psychotic states that
can induce positive changes are discussed. I propose a new clinical unit called "induced psychosis of the altered
states of consciousness”, paying attention to the characteristics of the early stage of a disorder, and suggest its
usefulness for preparing for all outcomes.
11)新しいモラルとスピリチュアリティー -日本的自然観と美意識を通して-
New Moral and Spirituality -on Japanese View of Nature and Aesthetic Sense
半田 栄一 Eiichi Handa
嘉悦大学 経営経済学部
Kaetsu University, management and economics
When we face and think about contemporary problems, particularly about environmental , medical ,and
educational problems ,we should reconsider moral and moral education fundamentally . Above all,"the basis of
moral” is the most important. Moral is based on or aim experience of soul, as "moral law” in I.Kant , "numinose”
in R.Otto. In Japanese culture , moral is deeply related with aesthetic sense, particularly in middle ages. The
religious consciousness was expressed as "wabi”, "sabi” etc. These senses are not only the symbols of mentality
of middle ages, but also the expression of Japanese basic view of nature and life. Here I mention mainly
saigyou and bashou. "wabi” and "sabi” are based on relation between nature and man and spiritual
experiences. It is " harmony” between nature and men. And Dougen's "enlightment”was expressed as Nature in
"Shoubougenzou”. The state is "jitaitinyo” , which means oneness of subject and object , men and nature. It is
also based on the Japanese view of nature and life. The spirituality and aesthetic sense will create new moral
and civilization that enable us to solve many contemporary problems.
Study about a criterion to evaluate value as "the truth"
生方 薫 Kaoru Ubukata
関東福祉専門学校 介護福祉科
Kanto Welfare Collage, The Care Worker Department
心理療法やカウンセリングにおいて「物語」は、クライエントとカウンセラーの共同作業によって紡ぎだされる。その物語は、人々の生活に有効である場合に「真理」ということができる。 しかし、クライエントが訴えることのすべてを鵜呑みにするわけにもいかない。特に呪術的であったり、妄想的である場合は、真理としての価値を、お互いに十分に検討した上で、判断しなければならない。真理としての価値を評価する基準について明確に打ち出した研究は少ない。 本研究の目的は、真理としての価値を評価する基準を明確化することである。「基準」として「直接性」、「内発的であること」、「呪術的ではないこと」の3つが上げられる。一つ目は、「直接性」である。これは、物語が知的に洗練された理念や明確な概念ではなく、じかに心にとどく性質を有しているかということである。二つ目は、「内発的」ということである。これは仮にカウンセラーがどれほど権威がある人であっても、また、相手が僧侶や神父、聖職者であったとしても、物語が他者から強制されたものではないということである。ただし、カウンセラーは、物語が創造されていく過程で、共感的な立会人であり、共著者であることを否定するものではない。三つ目は、「呪術的ではない」ということである。これは、偶然に起こった出来事を因果律によって把握することで、再びそれを引き起こそうと、また、「祟りを鎮めるために、生け贄を差し出す」というように、ある権威に対して盲従することである。
"Narrative" begins to be spun in psychotherapy and counseling by collaboration of a client and a counselor.
When it is effective for life of people, the narrative is called "truth". However, all of a client appealing whole
cannot be swallowed. In particular, When it is black art-like and is a delusion-like, you must judge value as the
truth after a client and a counselor examined enough each other. There are few studies proposed about a criterion
to evaluate value as truth definitely. A purpose of this study is to clarify a criterion to evaluate value as truth.
As a criterion, "immediateness", "intrinsic-like", and "not black art-like" are put up. The first is "immediateness".
It is not neccary that a story is a intelectually refined idea, a clear general idea, but it has a property to reach a
heart directly. As for the second, "intrinsic-like" is. Even if a counselor was a person authoritative how long, or
even if a partner was a priest, a father, and a clergyman, a story must not be forced by an another person. But, by
the process when a story is created, it is not denied that a counselor is an observer of sympathy, or a
collaborator.The third is not to "be black art-like". That means that a client does not obey it blindly for a certain
authority, like being going to cause it again by grasping the event that happened accidentally by the law of
causation, or like "holding out a sacrifice to quiet a curse ."
Support for persons with severe mental illness and their self-fulfillment: From the viewpoint of
transpersonal psychiatry.
堀内 健太郎 Kentaro Horiuchi
国立精神・神経センター 国府台病院
National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Kohnodai Hospital
重症精神障害を持つ人の自己実現的な志向を持つ訪問援助者に、「支援の困難」についてGrounded Theory
Approach に基づいた面接と質的分析を行い、「ニーズが出ない」「治療関係の不安定」「環境調整が必要」という概念が生成された。また、精神障害を持つ人に、「精神障害への偏見を減らす方法」についてのフォーカスグループを行い、「理解は求められない」というコア概念を得た。精神障害を持つ人は、困難な内的体験や生活障害について「理解は
Interviews with 12 recovery-oriented case managers who were providing services for persons with severe mental illness were analyzed on the basis of grounded theory approach. Concepts that yielded include 'absence of pronounced needs', 'instability of therapeutic relationship', and 'objective needs for coordination and advocacy'. Focus groups on "ways to reduce stigma toward mental illness” with persons with mental illness were also conducted and yielded a core concept, "I can't reclaim their understanding”. Derived from this core concept, persons with mental illness tend to act like they do not have any desires, to express their desires in maladaptive ways and end up in refusals, or to be isolated without claiming others' understanding and need strong advocacy. Psychiatric disorders are diseases and at the same time are dysfunctions, and professionals help them to achieve 'life along illness', but there seem to be two styles: 'life in moderation because of illness', and 'life oriented toward self-fulfillment even with illness'. Especially for persons with severe disorders, needs for support, even if not perceived subjectively, also come from societal demand, and professionals might be challenged on their awareness of self-fulfillment. Can we say it is valid that support for persons with mental illness should be with awareness of self-fulfillment? Preferable education and consideration are discussed by using literatures of transpersonal psychiatry.
Another Symbolic Effect of Shamanic Medicine - A case study of Ladakhi Shaman
宮坂 清 Kiyoshi Miyasaka
独立行政法人国立病院機構 高崎病院付属看護学校
Takasaki Hospital Nursing School, Nursing School
While it is well known that shamanic medicine has effect of leading client to heal by symbolic manipulation of spirits (Levi-Straus, "<I>Symbolic Effects</I>"), it is uncommon that it has another symbolic effect of indicating client's offence to spirits. I will focus on Shaman of Ladakh, north India, who sucks <I>Tib</I> ("pollution") out from patient body. There is symbolic effect for people believe that illness is because of <I>Tib</I> that is formerly spirit who get into body mediated by food or water. Adding that these spirits are <I>Lu</I> or <I>Sadakh</I> who are voices of ecological moral. <I>Lu</I> is water spirit who would be damaged by water pollution, and <I>Sadakh</I> is protector of land who also would be damaged by pollution. Both of them come into body mediated by food which is ade by water and land, and become energy of body. But if they are damaged they become <I>Tib</I> after entering body and trigger illness. As <I>Tib</I> is sucked out illness is lead to heal symbolically, and similarly patient is indicated symbolically that s/he offences to spirits or ecological moral. This medicine is not only for healing a person, but also for improvement of moral of life.
Influence of a lecture for mindfulness and cognitive therapy on student's emotional-cognitive state.
伊藤 義徳 Yoshinori Ito *1 安藤 治 Osamu Ando *2
*1琉球大学教育学部生涯教育課程教育カウンセリングコース University of the Ryukyus, Faculty of Education
*2 花園大学 社会福祉学部 福祉心理学科 Department of Social Welfare Hanazono University
本研究の目的は,マインドフルネスに関する講義と認知療法に関する講義が,大学生の常道―認知的状態に及ぼす影響について検討することであった。136 名の大学生がマインドフルネストレーニングに関する講義か認知療法に関する講義のいずれかを受講した。マインドフルネスに関する講義は,「食べる瞑想」とそれに関連した講話により構成されていた。認知療法に関する講義は,思考記録と講話からなっていた。講義の最初と最後に,気分状態を測定する目的で,抑うつ不安気分尺度(福井,1998)が,また感情に影響を受けて揺れ動く認知のバランスを測定する目的で,自動―統制的認知尺度:不安・緊張版(小住・伊藤・根建,2001)が測定された。その他,講義に対する理解度を確認し,その他自由に感想を記述させるための記述用紙を作成し,講義の最後に記入させた。 本研究の結果,いずれの講義もネガティブ気分を減少させ,ポジティブ気分を増加させることが示された。また,感情と関連した自動思考の減少も両群に認められた。しかし,理性的思考の得点に両群に差が見られた。認知療法に関する講義を行った群では理性的思考の増加が認められたのに対して,マインドフルネスに関する講義を行った群では,理性的思考の減少が認
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the lectures for mindfulness and cognitive therapy on the undergraduate students' emotional-cognitive state. Half of 136 students attended the lecture of the mindfulness training (MT) and the rest attended the lecture of the cognitive therapy (CT). The lectures for the MT included "Eating Meditation” as exercise with short explanation. The lecture for the CT included "Thought Records” as exercise with short explanation. These students, respectively, implemented "target exercise” after an easy warming up exercise. Before and after the lecture, they were asked to answer two questionnaires; 1) Depression-Anxiety Mood Scale (DACS; Fukui, 1998) which has been developed to assess negative-positive mood sate, 2) Automatic-Controlled Cognition Scale Tension-Anxiety Version (ACS-TA; Kozumi, Ito, & Nedate, 2001) which was developed to assess the balance of an affect-related automatic thought and rational-controlling thought. In addition to these questionnaires, the students were also asked to write freely about the lecture to evaluate their understandings.The result showed that negative moods were reduced and positive moods were increased for both groups. Affect-related automatic thought was reduced as well for both groups. However, there was difference in the transition in rational thought. The rational thoughts were increased with the CT lecture participants, meanwhile it was decreased with the MT lecture participants. It is assumed that the rational thoughts reflect a cognitive ability on self-control and problem-solving. The difference of influences on the rational thoughts through MT and CT was indicated with this study.
